October 9, 2009

Final Countdown

My cat, being very patient about the fact that her window seat is covered in fabric.

OK, this "temporary" insanity has gone on too long! But I will be sorry when it is all over. I never thought that planning such a simple wedding would take so much work! But I will be sad when it is over, too. I imagine I will have the post-wedding blues a bit--although I will be so happy to be married to my fiance that it won't last too long.

So as I run around taking care of all the last minute bits: programs, decor, my dress... try to remember to relax and to enjoy myself.

And I appreciate the way everything seems to work out in the end. I have to thank my neighbors who moved out and left a lovely miniature lamp post lantern in the trash!

And I MUST thank inspyretash for having the perfect border for our Ceremony Program(and for tagging it perfectly for my internet search). At 2 in the morning it seemed too good to be true.

So this is it, by the end of this weekend I will be a Mrs. and loving it!!!

Still working on the dress!!!

My Maid of Honor and I found the sweetest head pieces at Bigelow's in Greenwich Village (across from the Jefferson Market Library)


mayaluna said...

the most amazing wedding ever! so fun to see this all after the fact. I tried so hard to get a close up of your head piece... to know avail. Well, here it is... but on you it was majestic. Hope the newlyweds are doing well. xo

Margie Oomen said...

thanks so much for allowing maya to share you joyful event with us. You looked so beautiful and that dress I am still gasping at its splendor.
I wish you endless days of joy.

Tamonster said...

Your wedding was BEAUTIFUL! your dress looks perfect on you!

p.s. we have matching cats!
