March 16, 2009

Spring Back

Two weeks ago we went on a short trip to Rhode Island. We are very lucky to have a friend who lets us stay in her house by the beach, looking out across to Block Island. It was a sunny, warm weekend, and I felt that Spring had finally arrived. We took a walk through the Ninigret Nature Preserve,

and ended up being there just in time for a spectacular sunset.

The next morning I sat, protected from the wind by the pile of logs that had yet to be used in the fire place, and was warm enough to sit for a while there, watching all the birds coming out to play in the sunshine. I felt as though buds might actually bloom as I sat watching, and the leaves would appear on the trees by the end of day.

Little did I know that this was just a teaser of seasons yet to come: by the time we returned to the city it was cold and the wind was cutting. The next week brought dreary weather, frigid and rainy. I thought that it was only made worse by the fact that I had not recovered from losing an hour, so I felt sleepy all week as well...but again, I was wrong. What really made it worse in the end was the horrible cold that I caught, and have been fighting off ever since. So now I just look at these pictures of my birds, full of hope and optimism, and sigh.

Spring seems as elusive as this cardinal in the scrub,but I have faith still--one day soon it must be Spring!

1 comment:

mayaluna said...

what gorgeous bird shots! Hope you're feeling better. we've had 60 degree weather up here and all of the birds returned... glorious! But now snow is in the forecast:{