January 14, 2009

The Tempest

The Steampunk Tempest

A lot of my friends who couldn't come to see The Tempest are asking me about it, so I am posting an old entry from my myspace page:

From The Tempest

Farewell, Prospero

Today was The Tempest's last performance. It had a great run, many nice things were said, and I had a lot of fun working with this cast and crew. Shout out to Aaron Diehl--he did an awesome sound with the sound and music. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a sound designer.

Today was the second high school talk back that we had. I love to sit in on those, because it reaffirms my faith in the next generation. These students asked such thoughtful, diverse questions, and you could tell they weren't just study guide questions, but things that these kids just really had thought about and were inquisitive about.

So, now I am thrown back onto the uncertain sea of fate--who knows where I will land next!

The Tempest was a fun show to work on, given my interest in Steampunk. The research alone was captivating, plus I got to make some little gadgets, like this fob and monacle and a chatelaine,

and some fun costume pieces,

and I used some of Janet Bloor's silicone caulk techniques to create Caliban's costume. The idea behind Caliban's look is that he lives on the beach, under rocks, in the surf, wherever he ends up. I imagined all the detritus that washed up onto the beach sticking to him: I even had little bits of the other character's costumes sticking to him. Caliban was one of my favorite characters--I felt very sorry for him!

From The Tempest

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