April 25, 2009

Make your L'il Rounds

So after joining Facebook I got a bit overwhelmed by the number of Pokes and Bites I got. I was invited to be a Werewolf, a Vampire, and various other types of creatures that, after reading too much Anne Rice, I had avoided becoming all my life. I was sent drinks and cakes and all manner of virtual gifts. So when I was flooded with plants I was inclined to pretend I didn't see them, until I realized that, much like my daily clicks on the Hunger Site, et al, simply participating in this exchange of virtual plants can help the world.

This is the word from Lil Green Patch itself:
Help fight Global Warming! Together, We can make a Difference!

By planting fruit with your friends you can help us all make the world a greener place! As well, we'll shortly be launching some fun gaming features to constantly keep you entertained while doing good!

Our sponsors contribute money to save the Rainforests as you use this application. After expenses we will donate revenue to funding a portfolio of reforestation projects. Thanks for joining us in this mission! We hope you have fun!

The most recent donation was made in December, 2008 to the Adopt An Acre program of the Nature Conservancy. To learn more about this program, please visit the following address: http://www.nature.org/joinanddonate/adoptanacre/about/

The (Lil) Green Patch community, working together, was able to save 96,124,167 Sq ft of Rainforest so far! We are very excited about our progress and are confident we can make an even larger impact in the future!

See the donation here.

So now you needn't feel guilty for spending time "socializing" with your friends! But don't forget to get outside and appreciate the real gardens of the world!

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