We all have days where we feel that everything is going against us; that no matter how hard we try nothing goes our way. Sometimes it is hard to catch just one break. On days like that it is easy to want to give in, give up, give out. Self pity sets in. You just want to crawl back into bed.
Well, the next time you have one of those days, think about this tree.
Imagine growing up with a 300 lbs. rock on top of you!
I am a costume designer, and I also temp in between gigs to supplement the fortune that I make designing.
(read more) I am hoping that a blog will provide a creative outlet for some of the thoughts that pop into my head in these situations, and also allow me to share some of what I do when I do not have temp work at all. Enjoy!
Rachel 10/18/10
This rendering is of a barrister and a cartographer, who are supposed to be
creepy ominous characters. I'm very excited about the freaky eyewear for
the ...
Grandma Pat and Trixie
Here is my latest shoot for Advanced Pets featuring the always gorgeous
Grandma Pat and Trixie. By the way I just started selling prints and totes
on Soc...
Using Audio Narration
A couple of good blog posts from CommLab's Custom Training and eLearning
"Is Audio Narration Indispensable for Online Learning?" Link
"Effective Voice...
thai carrot ginger soup
I made this last night, and it's my new favorite soup. Topping it off with
fresh radish sprouts made this root puree feel fresh and springy, too. I
Byte Magazine Covers
Ben brought home an old Byte magazine that someone had loaned use for the
Steampunklet (the cover article was on Logo, which she's getting into), and
that ...
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